My Milestones
Emilia Three Months
The Month in Brief:
*I celebrated Mother’s Day at Grandpa and Grandma Smith’s house    *We had a Memorial Day Barbecue with my cousins Sydney and Jordan...I spent most of my time napping in the Pack ‘n Play  *This month is Uncle Benjamin and Aunt Zhanna’s Wedding...this means I need to be looked after by a babysitter for more than 3 hours!
Friday, May 12, 2006
Head Size:
This Month’s “Firsts”:
*I found my feet early on this month   
*I can kick my feet up all the way to my hands and mouth
*I’m rolling over from my back to my side 
*I like to grasp objects and I can hold my pacifier  or teething toy in my mouth now for periods of time
*My short spurts of baby gurgles have turned into very long expressive vocalizations
*I’m starting to explore the world through my mouth now, so I chew on anything that comes close to my face
Height: 25”
13lbs. 11oz.
Head Size:
Sleep: 9pm-2am 3am-7am
Breast Milk
Speech:  I babble and coo, and I make trilling sounds