My Milestones
Emilia Five Months
My Month in Brief:
 *I think all men with beards are nice because they remind me of my Daddy ;)  *My favorite toy is my colorful wooden molecule toy...second runner up are plastic bottles  *This month I got to add Tennessee and Georgia as notches on my belt  *We all packed up and left the worst California heat ever to go to the Caldwell wedding in Chattanooga TN  *I had my first experience under “The Big Top” to see Ringling Bros. Circus in Downtown LA  *I had a very successful Target photo shoot with my cousins Sydney and Jordan *The Hillinger Reunion was a blast...I got to meet a lot of my relatives for the first time, and I got to go swimming too!  *Ivah visited me this month, and we went to The Getty Museum together!  *Grandma Betty invited me to share some Birthday cake at her pre-Birthday Bash
Monday, July 17, 2006
Head Size:
This Month’s “Firsts”:
*I officially sleep through the night now if I don’t have a diaper disaster
*I practiced how to sit up last month, and now I like to sit and play with my toys
Height: 25.25”
16lbs. 2oz.
Head Size:
8:30pm - 5am
Breast Milk
Speech:  I vocalize lots of  vowel like sounds: ahhh, ohhh,eeee, uuuh