My Milestones
Emilia Seven Months
This Month’s “Firsts”:
*I said my first word “Mamma”
*I learned drink from my bottle one handed
*I can ask for milk using baby signs
*I’m sitting on my knees ready to crawl forward
*I sort through my toy basket, and one by one I can pull out toys that I   
 want to play with
*I like to tap on books and various surfaces to make my own music or to 
 add percussion to songs that I recognize
*I tried pizza, stir fry, and matzah ball soup
*I am getting my first curls on my head now!

*Okay, so now I’m officially a solid food eating, sitting up and sometimes bouncing,  size 12-18 month wearing, giggling 7 month old  *I’m getting so big now that I manage to wrestle my Tigger during my monthly photo shoot instead of posing pretty for every shot  *I like to eat my meals in my high chair  *I am a great sleeper...I take two naps a day and I still sleep through the night  *I seem to be teething (I ravenously chew on everything around me), but still no pearly whites can be seen  *I partied down to music from a 12 year old Green Day cover band at Sydney and Jordan’s 2nd Birthday  *I enjoyed company and matzah ball soup over the High Holidays
Sunday, September 17, 2006
Weight: 20 lbs
Head Size:
Sleep: 7:30 - 6:00
Height: 26”
19lbs. 9oz.
Head Size:
Food off Mom and Dad’s plates if it is mashed with a fork.  I love fruit, turkey, apples, and frozen bananas.
Speech:  I I oooh, ahh, babble with some consonants now